26 au 28 février 2014
Montréal, Canada

Conférence PHP à Montréal

PHP Two-factor authentication has gotten lots of attention lately. It's being praised as a way to help eliminate passwords and already has several major companies adapting their practices to use it. Let me guide you through the world of 2FA, some of the basic concepts (with examples) and dive deeper into the associated protocols and RFCs.
PHP Les fonctions de réinitialisation des mots de passe sont communes et assez rarement testées. Pourtant, ces fonctions peuvent avoir plusieurs vulnérabilités critiques qui compromettent l'ensemble de l'application.

Dans le cadre de cette présentation, nous allons voir des exemples de code ainsi que les attaques contre plusieurs catégories de failles.
PHP Unit tests give you a good base to ensure your classes are working technically correct. Integration tests show that they play well with each other. But who takes care that all your code actually does what your business owner wants it to do? This session gives you an introduction into Behavior Driven Development on basis of Behat to help you achieve automated testing of specifications.
PHP We all face a daily battle to write good code for ourselves and others, deliver finished applications fast to satisfy business, and ensure everything is properly tested to prevent end-user fails. Adam Culp will discuss what clean application development is, and how it can help us win those battles.
PHP Continuous integration is a big picture idea for big projects, but what if your projects and pictures aren't big? Is continuous integration worthwhile for every day projects? Learn more about what continuous integration actually is, what tools are available to help you implement it, and how you can make it work for you, even in the small stuff.
PHP The how-to guide on how to work with Excel documents from within PHP. The talk will demonstrate how the php-excel extension can be used to create documents, format data, do image processing and formula calculation. The discussion will also cover the process of parsing Excel documents in both legacy and modern XML formats. A portion of the talk will also do a comparison between PHP libraries that can be used for the same purpose.
PHP In this talk, we'll explore some of the tools available for measuring software quality. We'll dive into some of the theory behind the metrics that they analyze while looking at some real world applications of those metrics. We'll also explore how to use these tools to gain valuable insight into legacy codebases.
PHP Under the pressure of deadlines and endless change requests, under the weight of years of legacy, code becomes unmaintainable. With the right tools, techniques, and mindset, any codebase can be brought under test, and be refactored towards a better architecture. Let’s skip the theory and dive straight into the spaghetti code. In a live coding session, I will demonstrate how you can start refactoring your way out of a mess today.
PHP Every kind of automated test requires you to create fixtures. Be it the input objects to unit test a method, setting up an object structure for integration testing or creating a database for system tests. But what makes a good fixture? In this talk we dive through the variety of automated test approaches and show fixtures can be created, what principles you should obey to and techniques to avoid pitfalls.
PHP TDD (Test Driven Development) is getting a lot of traction in the PHP community. Driving your development with tests is now an accepted practices. But beginning TDD can be a daunting task.

In this session we will go over what TDD is. Starting with the principles that drives it. Go over the tools and finally show how it can be done in your day to day work. We will also looks at the common difficulties developers encounter and how to solve them.
PHP Zend Framework has become a standard in the PHP world for web application development and it's successor, Zend Framework 2 is even more powerful. However, there have been many changes architecturally to the new framework that even those who are familiar with ZF1 will find hard to understand initially. In this talk we will explore the fundamental concepts of ZF2, both architecture and intent as we build ourselves a simple application.
PHP It's nothing new that speed is important for the success of any web application. This talk will show how you can correctly measure the performance of your site and track down bottlenecks with tools like Xdebug, XHProf or the Symfony Debug Toolbar. And if you still need to get faster after optimizing and fixing all these issues, I'll introduce you to some tricks, techniques and patterns to even further decrease load times.
PHP Refactoring legacy applications can be a daunting task, especially with the desire to take advantage of more modern technologies, frameworks and tools.

We will walk through a real world example of how to refactor an existing application to use the reusable Symfony components, and how these provide a stable, robust groundwork for future development.
PHP PHP is used by the likes of Facebook, Yahoo, Zynga, Tumblr, Etsy, and Wikipedia. How do the largest internet companies scale PHP to meet their demand? Join this session and find out how to use the latest tools in PHP for developing high performance applications. We’ll take a look at common techniques for scaling PHP applications and best practices for profiling and optimizing performance.
PHP Symfony2 is one of the de-facto standards for developing enterprise-ready applications in PHP: being a very structured & decoupled framework, it becomes very handy and suitable for building Service Oriented architectures, which require loose coupling and a clean and tested structure: we will see hot to create a Service Oriented Architecture in Symfony2, taking advantage of messaging systems like RabbitMQ, HTTP APIs and Sf2's internals.
PHP This talk will explore the evolution of HTTP abstractions. We will take a look at inetd at the TCP level, CGI and FCGI at the HTTP level, language level abstractions like Rack for Ruby and WSGI for Python. Finally we will arrive at the Symfony2 HttpKernelInterface. The PHP community can take many ideas from Rack. We should be building composable stacks of re-usable middlewares.
PHP You probably have heard of the "Gang of Four" before? This talk is not about design patterns or music but will give you some valuable insights how to improve your development and deployment workflow. Learn what tools like Composer, Phing, Vagrant and Jenkins can offer you and how to combine these tools to get the best of out it.
PHP There exist quite a few misconceptions when it comes to the Dependency Injection (DI) pattern. While the principal pattern is easy to understand, it can be difficult to succeed with
DI. In this session I will share some of my real world experience with DI. I will guide you to use DI in "the right way"(tm) to get the most out of it and to increase the maintainability of your application.
PHP PHP developers must consider a variety of factors to ensure the utmost security of their software. Programming errors are not always to blame for failures; conceptual flaws and simple configuration mistakes risk rendering an implementation useless. In this talk, security expert Arne Blankerts provides PHP-specific solutions to common problems. Since security hazards are best avoided, there is a strong emphasis on detection of sources of trouble.
PHP Many of us only look at our log files during an outage or crisis. Wouldn't it be great if they could be mined in real time? This talk will show you how to do that. We'll examine tools such as Monolog and Rsyslog to collect information as well as Logstash and Graylog2 to send alerts, store and make searchable millions of log records. By the end of this talk you'll be able to mine your log data in real time, helping you to avoid major problems.
PHP The design patterns from Domain-Driven Design can help us to evolve from structural data models, to rich behavioral models. They capture not just state and relationships, but true meaning. Building from practical examples in PHP, I’ll show you how to use invariants, encapsulation, and specifications, to manage and test complex logic in the language of the business. These ideas will make your Domain Model expressive, unbreakable, and beautiful.
PHP Everyone tells you that you need to write tests. You tried it, but your tests ended up not very useful and consumed valuable time. What to test? What conditions to write? Through realistic examples, this presentation will take you from var_dump() and ease you into the testing business. All this without losing sight of the tight deadlines. You will come out of this presentation with a renewed interest in writing unit tests.
PHP Composer is the not-so-new dependency manager for PHP. It secretly encourages better practices by implicitly making evil things painful. Let's make it explicit. I will help you gain an understanding of how to structure your dependency constraints, which features to avoid and how to be a good citizen in the composer ecosystem.
PHP In this new wave of wearable computing, Google Glass is an exciting device that could change the way we interact with technology. In this session, you'll learn how to write PHP & Java apps for Glass, get live demos, and real best practices. The first part will focus on PHP, we'll go deep in code & learn how we built Stereo, the first music streaming media player for Glass. In part two, you will learn how to write Java Android apps for the device.

Explorez les 146 présentations

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