26 au 28 février 2014
Montréal, Canada

Conférence JavaScript à Montréal

JavaScript Since bumping into AngularJS a few months ago, we decided to invest more and more time developing with it: coming from a PHP background, the shift of paradigm easy due to the use of patterns and intuitive flows: even though this won’t be a very in-depth technical talk, we are going to see why you should consider working with angular: fast single-page apps, DI, ease of testing, being asynchronous, scaling on the clients.
Welcome to the future.
JavaScript Stop eyeballing your UI in a browser to test your JavaScript code - that doesn't count. Many developers have embraced testing their server side code, but very few test their JavaScript - and even fewer use any kind of automation. This talk will cover writing testable JavaScript code, how to write tests for that code, and some solutions for automating the process.
JavaScript API creation within JavaScript introduces a whole new array of security and request issues that traditional APIs never encounter. In this session we’ll explore several principles behind JavaScript API design and architecture, including OAuth 2 in the JavaScript model, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for browser security constraints, building action automation with HATEOAS, and
challenges behind secure resource consumption through JavaScript
JavaScript A spectacular amount of MVC-like JavaScript frameworks have been released in the last few years. Instead of arguing over which one is best, developers should focus on asking themselves “Which one best suits my needs?”.
With both design considerations and concrete examples, this presentation will help developers and architects understand the current offering of JavaScript frameworks, what they were designed for, and how to find the one they need.
JavaScript Une immense majorité de développeurs connaissent jQuery, mais pas vraiment JavaScript. Nous verrons comment faire en pur JS ce que vous avez l’habitude de faire avec jQuery, en mettant l’accent sur le support par les navigateurs des fonctionnalités JS utilisées, et sur les polyfills disponibles. Nous proposerons également des idées d’architecture pour la mise en place de ces techniques.
JavaScript In the not-so-distant past, cross browser JavaScript support was painful to deal with. This lead to the rise in popularity of libraries and a lot of developers have since never looked back. This talk will explain the importance of learning native JavaScript and how libraries may not be the answer in the near future.
JavaScript This talk will feature and overview of an architecture that enables heavy reuse of even the smallest components by showing the details of the researchgate.net implementation. This approach enables developers to take page elements, like a follow button, and place it everywhere on the site without having to duplicate any PHP, JS, HTML or CSS in the process enabling huge scalability, performance and UX improvements beyond a classic (H)MVC approach.
JavaScript Whether you're building a frontend-heavy, single-page app using multiple JavaScript libraries, or simply writing a few lines of DOM manipulation, you probably want your code to run as efficiently as possible. This talk will go over the basics of JavaScript optimisation: what to avoid, and why; some best practices for speeding up your code; and specialised techniques for improving performance, complete with several case studies.
JavaScript Avec l'érosion du respect de la vie privée que nous observons ces derniers temps, ne devrions-nous pas être plus engagés à protéger les données de nos utilisateurs, parfois même de notre propre application? Cette présentation suivra l'évolution de la crypto en Javascript : les bons et mauvais coups. Nous discuterons par la suite de l'importance d'apporter plus de sécurité du côté client, et quels outils nous pouvons construire pour y arriver.
JavaScript Si beaucoup de développeurs testent leur code côté serveur, bien peu le font côté client. Je vous présenterais au cours de cette session un panorama des (bonnes) solutions pour les 3 niveaux de tests : unitaires, fonctionnels et d’intégration, à travers des exemples utilisant QUnit, Jasmine, Mocha, Chai, CasperJS et Karma. J'insisterais naturellement sur les choses réputées difficiles à tester, notamment le DOM et le code asynchrone.
JavaScript The key to understanding JavaScript's object model is understanding the prototype object and prototypical inheritance. This talk will guide attendees through the prototype: how it is created, what's in it, and how to use it to create an object-oriented structure in JavaScript. We'll cover some related OOP concepts along the way like constructor methods, parent method calls, and member access types.
JavaScript As a front end developer, I want to write code. Dealing with the mundane tasks that come with static assets such as concatenation, minification and versioning, I don't care much for. In this session, I'll explain how to setup Grunt tasks to handle CSS and JavaScript assets in both development and production environments. This automated workflow allows you to easily reproduce both environments locally for testing and debugging.

Explorez les 146 présentations

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