26 au 28 février 2014
Montréal, Canada

Conférence .NET à Montréal

.NET Trying to make an app "stick" is tough enough, and keeping users aware of changes to their data or data affects them can be hard - even harder if you want to support different clients. Come check out SignalR, the open-source solution to presence and server-sourced data push. Fully supported through development tooling with templates available for every major mobile platform and OS, SignalR takes long polling and makes it sexy.
.NET One thing is true when working with MVC: if you get the feeling that you’re writing too much code, you are. Ditch the pitfalls and learn better ways to get your project out the door. Write less code and leverage view models, Ajax extensions, action filters and partial views to their maximum potential. Ninja secrets for the masses!
.NET "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." -- Brian Kernighan.

Join us as we try and defy the odds and make Debugging in .NET something that is fun once again. We will look at the various tricks and tools we can use to understand our site, find hard to get bottlenecks and much more.
.NET Glimpse is an open source diagnostics platform born out of the realization that insights into the dynamic inner workings of web applications can be difficult to come by. Starting with the wider ecosystem, find out how the server and client interact, as well as the abstractions that compose this heterogeneous system. From there, learn how extensions can be built to bring advanced diagnostics to all: app framework insights for developers & more.
.NET C# lets you write applications for every app store in the world. Successful C# apps are on iPhone, iPad, Android, Xbox, Windows Phone and Windows Store. You can write embedded apps in 64k and run them on a watch or run apps in 64 gigs and run them in the cloud. Join Scott Hanselman as he shares his journey from a humble VB3 programmer 20+ years ago to a happy C# programmer today writing apps he can write once and debug anywhere.
.NET With the arrival of the BigData revolution it’s time to start getting familiar with tools of the trade. MapReduce is large data processing model proposed by google and now available on Microsoft's Azure platform. This crash course will introduce some common MapReduce patterns for processing large, unstructured data with examples in C# with Hadoop.
.NET With parallel programming becoming a bigger part of our life, a growing need for advanced patterns emerges. This session overviews parallel programming patterns and anti-patterns, and the use of async methods and await calls, for both .NET 4.0 TPL API and the newer .NET 4.5 and C# 5 syntax.
.NET Unit and integration testing have made their mark in our industry, and are now common practices on many projects. One of the unspoken realities is that these tests deteriorate and over time undermine the continued success of the projects they once helped.

This presentation will review strategies to ensure your unit tests continue to be healthy and helpful even for long running projects. Examples in C#.
.NET Après un bref rappel des enjeux particuliers liés aux applications web, nous irons à la découverte des outils dont disposent les développeurs pour s'assurer du bon fonctionnement de leur application. Nous étendrons notre approche aux problématiques de performances et de montée en charge ainsi qu'à la vérification des services web ou des communications entre de multiples services distants.
.NET Write once read many. Stop rediscovering what you already figured out. In this presentation we will see five effective low-cost refactoring practices that will help improve the clarity of your code. You should take time once to make your code easier to read so no one else will have to spend that time again. In this session you will gain valuable tips to help you accomplish just that.
.NET The .NET framework 4.5 is adapted for Windows 8 development allowing you to access and work with the Windows Runtime directly from your managed code. Features, such as the “await” keyword used to employ the runtime’s parallel tasks, causing the app to always be responsive and user friendly, or the new GC enhancements optimized for better performance are already included in v4.5.

Explorez les 146 présentations

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