26 au 28 février 2014
Montréal, Canada

Unit Testing by Example

Everyone tells you that you need to write tests. You tried it, but your tests ended up not very useful and consumed valuable time. What to test? What conditions to write? Through realistic examples, this presentation will take you from var_dump() and ease you into the testing business. All this without losing sight of the tight deadlines. You will come out of this presentation with a renewed interest in writing unit tests.

Voir les 146 présentations

Anna Filina

Zend by Perforce

Anna has been a web developer since 1997. In her long consulting career, she developed an expertise in refactoring very old applications to be modern and testable. She is passionate about sharing her skills with fellow developers through her blog, YouTube channel, conferences and various articles. Anna also has an eye for technical debt, for which she then devises strategies that save companies a lot of money.

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