March 7-9, 2018
Montreal, Canada

Montreal PHP Conference

PHP "Every outage is like a murder mystery" is a common complaint. But it doesn't have to be! This talk gives an overview on how to monitor PHP applications from all possible sides — operating system, webserver, database, logs, metrics, and tracing across systems.
PHP Laravel makes it really easy to build APIs, we will explore how to use it to build powerful and flexible APIs. We will cover how to use Passport to support oAuth authentication, how to build flexible responses with Transformers and how to rapidly build RESTful logic in our application.
PHP À l’automne 2014, M6 décide d’adapter le programme Rising Star en France, un concours de chant en direct, mais dont le jury est le public, qui vote en direct depuis son application mobile.
A travers cette conférence, je me propose de vous présenter l’architecture mise en place pour être capable de traiter plusieurs dizaines de millions de votes dans un délais de quelques secondes, tout en se synchronisant avec une émission de télé en direct.
PHP Unit tests are great, but on their own, they don't tell you whether your application behaves as expected. Can a user access someone else's records? Do your translations work correctly based on request headers? Learn how to write relevant Behat tests, how to set everything up and how a backend and a frontend can be developed in parallel.
PHP Laravel is an extremely popular framework for developing well-architected PHP applications. Amazon Web Services is a de-facto standard in cloud computing, allowing developers to scale their development operations to any level their user base requires. In this talk we will introduce Laravel 5.6 to build a sample application with all the bells and whistles, and then how to deploy that application at scale using Amazon Web Services.
PHP In this presentation I will show you how to leverage HTTP headers in your PHP application to achieve a maximum hit rate, without losing touch with the challenges of real-world web projects.

We'll talk about cache-control headers, ESI, AJAX calls, vary headers, accept-language, separating stateful from stateless content, conditional requests, and content invalidation.

I'll apply these concepts to a Symfony 3 application to prove my point.
PHP Functional programming is a paradigm known for decades. It is gaining popularity again, due to the rise of purely functional languages like Haskell. You may wonder, how it could be useful in PHP? You need to know that it is also a set of concepts that are language independent and allows for completely different approach when writing regular application code. Using a few techniques and a slight change of perspective your code will be cleaner.
PHP Did you know your IoC container can do a whole lot more than just constructor injection? Besides that it is actually packed with features. Inflectors, resolving callbacks, aliasing, method invocation to name a few. In this talk you'll learn how to leverage the power of a container to write better, testable, loosely coupled code. Well designed code put together by your IoC container will make your apps SOLID, modular, lean and decoupled framework!
PHP From chatbots to your home thermostat, it seems like machine learning algorithms are everywhere nowadays. How about understanding how this works now? In this talk, you will learn the basics of machine learning through various basic examples, without the need for a PhD or deep knowledge of assembly. At the end of this talk, you will know what the Naive Bayes classifiers, sentiment analysis and basic genetic algorithms are and how they work.
PHP PHP continues to evolve, and PHP 7.2 offers developers significant improvements in security, cryptography, and programming features. In this talk we will explore the various improvements, deprecations, what it means for your code bases new and existing.
PHP PSR-7 describes common interfaces for representing HTTP messages. This talk will explain the interfaces defined by PSR-7, how they define the future of interoperability between frameworks and tools. After that there will be a showcase of several tools such as zend's diactoros package, Guzzle v6, and other packages that show the real power of shared interfaces for HTTP. Learn how you can start using these typed objects in your applications today.
PHP PHP 7.2 includes the libsodium cryptography library by default in the base language - the first time that a popular language has shipped with strong, modern crypto support as standard. Everyone can build secure apps without the risks of rolling your own crypto or using outdated libraries. So what's in libsodium? What kind of things can you do? What mistakes does it prevent you making? What risks remain?
PHP Quand j’ai voulu utiliser Sylius, j’avais en tête qu’il s’agissait d’un « moteur e-commerce » pour Symfony. Maintenant que je l’utilise, j’ai compris pourquoi on parle en fait d’un « framework e-commerce complet ».
Prenons un moment pour faire le tour des fonctionnalités proposées par Sylius, et pourquoi vous devriez vous y intéresser.
PHP I'm the maintainer of a very popular open-source PHP package - PHPMailer. In December 2016, two critical vulnerabilities were found in PHPMailer, affecting potentially millions of sites. I'd been involved in reporting minor security issues in the past, but nothing of this magnitude, and never at the receiving end. I found myself at the start of a steep learning curve and an emotional roller-coaster; a story of open source, CVEs, and people.
PHP Designing softwares with an object oriented approach is hard... really hard! In fact, making good object oriented design (aka OOD) is very difficult for many developers as it goes far beyond basic concepts like classes, objects, inheritance and interfaces. This talk will provide tips and techniques to help you design better object oriented code. We'll cover topics like SOLID principles, composition vs inheritance, value objects, entities, etc.
PHP We will go over some of the most common attack vectors in code and how to protect against them while you write or edit a theme or plugin. This will include:
Escaping in WordPress
SQL and Data sanitization
Permissions with current_user_can()
Using Nonces to protect against CSRF
WordPress and PHP Security Gotchas

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