March 7-9, 2018
Montreal, Canada

Montreal Java & JVM languages Conference

Java & JVM languages Are you building high throughput, low latency application? Are you trying to figure out perfect JVM heap size? Are you struggling to choose right garbage collection algorithm and settings? Are you striving to achieve pause less GC? Do you know the right tools & best practices to tame the GC? Do you know to troubleshoot memory problems using GC logs? You will get complete answers to several such questions in this session.
Java & JVM languages Is caching data in your application still relevant today with all those HTTP caches, very fast key value stores, and micro services?
During this presentation, the attendee will learn the basics of caching (TTL, TTI, invalidation, tiering, etc.), key figures in the caching world, how the Java community came up with a specification (JSR 107) and how you can leverage it in your application with the implementation of your choice (EhCache 3).
Java & JVM languages Leveraging the power of the cloud and microservices, this session demonstrates how music can be analyzed and composed in real-time to augment musical performance with a futuristic instrument. This session contains an introduction to relevant cloud technologies, and an introduction to music theory and composition. This session also has musical demonstrations and code snippets scattered throughout.
Java & JVM languages Kotlin is one of those “new” JVM languages that are currently rocking the boat. Although it’s made a great impact on Android, it’s equally good on the server side. As Domain-Specific Languages are constrained by the language they run on, Kotlin frees developers from Java fluent builders to propose something better.

Using the Vaadin web framework as an example, I’ll demo how one could design its own DSL with Kotlin.
Java & JVM languages Modularity has finally come to Java with project Jigsaw. With it comes new syntax, new ways to structure your code and an escape from Jar Hell. But Java modularity will disrupt your code base and you’ll need effective migration strategies - or else end up in Module Purgatory. This talk will present the new syntax, demonstrate how to build modular apps and offer ways to migrate your code base.
Java & JVM languages Serverless computing and FaaS are disrupting the still-evolving world of
cloud computing as they radically change how software is organized,
deployed and charged. This session will introduce Fn Project, an Open-Source project which features a code-first approach to building polyglot sophisticated FaaS based applications. We will also discuss Fn Flow, a CompletionStage like API, used to compose multiple functions into applications.
Java & JVM languages Java EE 8 adds HTTP/2 support to the platform. HTTP/2 is a major revision of HTTP protocol with support for multiplexed streams, server push, stream prioritization, header compression, etc. This session will provide cover the new features of HTTP/2 and how to leverage them from the new Java APIs in EE 8.
Java & JVM languages Java EE 8 has just been released. In addition, Oracle has announced its intention to move the Java EE development to the Eclipse Foundation; a bold move supported by Red Hat and IBM.

This session will first give a technical overview of Java EE 8 and discuss enhancement s (ex. JAX-RS 2.1, Servlet 4, CDI 2, JSON-B, the new Security API). We will conclude by looking at what it means to have the Eclipse Foundation driving the platform forward.
Java & JVM languages Have you struggled to diagnose sudden CPU spikes? Do you hate OutOfMemoryErrors? Do you get stuck to diagnose zombie/unresponsive applications? Are you tired of spending hours, days, weeks in troubleshooting these problems? Learn right tools, tricks and patterns to identify root cause of complex problems in seconds (not even in minutes).
Java & JVM languages In the realm of testing, the code coverage metrics is the most often talked about. However, it doesn’t mean that the test has been useful or that an assert has been coded.
I'll explain how Code Coverage is computed and what its inherent flaw is. Afterwards, I'll describe how Mutation Testing work and how it helps pointing out code that leaves out corner cases. I will also demo PIT, a Java production-grade framework that enables Mutation Testing.
Java & JVM languages Reactive programming is a great tool for the skilled developer, enabling us to deliver more scalable, resilient, & responsive services...but only if we leverage the reactive model throughout the entire stack!

Using Spring Data & your favorite NoSQL data store, you can exploit the full power of reactive systems, all the way to the metal. The presenter compares reactive support for several DBs, then *live codes* real-world examples.
Java & JVM languages Learn how to use proven patterns & OSS to rapidly build a robust portfolio of microservices that provide a solid foundation for your dynamic & growing microservice architecture. This session addresses service configuration, registration, load balancing, routing, async, & more. The presenter will demonstrate how to develop, secure, & effectively manage microservices using OSS tools employed by Netflix to keep movies streaming globally 24x7.
Java & JVM languages Considered by many as the successor to Hadoop, Spark is today used by many major players such as Amazon or Ebay. With its ability to perform fast in-memory computing on clusters with thousands of nodes, Spark has become one of the most promising technology regarding large datasets analysis. After a quick overview of how distributed systems evolved, we'll introduce Spark's core functionalities and briefly cover its libraries.
Java & JVM languages Java 9 introduces many new exciting features and enhancements to the Java platform. The changes to the platform range from the new module system, jshell (REPL), and enhanced process API to the defaulted G1 garbage collector, compact Strings, and ECMAScript 6 support for Nashorn. This session will provide an overview of the important changes and what you need know to effectively upgrade to Java 9.

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