March 7-9, 2018
Montreal, Canada

Montreal JavaScript Conference

JavaScript Beyond the initial feeling of wonder while building mobile interfaces easily and quickly, React Native adopters can feel frustrated when comes the time to transform a proof-of-concept into a production-ready application. Let us take a look at how React Native works under the hood to have a good grasp of the framework architecture and how to deal with advanced concepts like layout, styling, navigation, performance, testing and so on.
JavaScript In this talk we are going to use the latest version of Angular and ngrx
(v5) to learn advanced state management. We will introduce Redux principles
before moving into ngrx/store, ngrx/effects for asynchronous actions,
ngrx/entity and ngrx/schematics. ngrx/store uses an implementation inspired
by Redux but using Observables from RxJS 5.5. We will also cover best
practices and how to implement error handling.
JavaScript When starting to dabble with Javascript, the biggest challenge for most developers is understanding how to deal with asynchronous development. During this talk, we will cover some of the different ways to handle async programming like callbacks, promises, reactive streams and events. Developers attending this talk will have a better understanding of asynchronous programming and will have a few new tools to their belt to tackle those issues.
JavaScript Bots and conversational apps give you the opportunity to bring your apps to your users right where they are. Users can interact with you via various messaging services, including text messages. Not only does this mean they don't need to install yet another app, they can access the information and services they want directly, without navigating a UI. This session will show you how to get a bot up and running quickly using Bot Framework.
JavaScript Progressive Web Apps are the new hotness with Google pressing hard to make them the defacto choice for building mobile applications but what's to be done about iOS where many of the key API's are not supported. That's where Apache Cordova/PhoneGap comes in by polyfilling the missing functionality. In this talk I'll show you how to create a PWA that runs on the web, Android and iOS from a single code base. Take advantage of some new tools to easil
JavaScript Web components are a simple and powerful way to extend the web. Add my-custom-component tags, sprinkle in some JavaScript, and new functionality springs to life!

We'll take a simple web component from idea to implementation, effectively and simultaneously targeting vanilla JS all the way to webpack. The highlights include inputs, events, dependency management, polyfill strategies, performance, payload size, managing updates, and more!
JavaScript In an ever-changing world of JavaScript and web technologies, Front-End architecture plays a big role in a successful business. In this talk, we'll address questions like: what is Front-End Architecture, and how do you manage Front-End applications across different products and teams? We’ll also dive into the complexities of building and scaling Front-End systems and workflows across a large engineering organization.
JavaScript Developers often waste untold hours a week waiting for rebuilds, manually switching windows, reloading pages, restoring in-page state, and so on. This is unfortunate, as we've been gifted with numerous tools to automate reload, and even *hot reload*, for quite a while now.

In this talk, Christophe showcases workflows, tips and tricks, using widespread editors, tools and browsers, to make that web / Node developer feedback loop ever tighter.
JavaScript This session will cover the developments of the JavaScript / ECMAScript language in recent years, to give you a quick update on how JavaScript can be written in 2018.

The pace of the JS community has remained very high for several years now, and it is often easy to be overwhelmed by the amount of options and new developments. I will present a limited set of features and tools to let you join us in the future without decision paralysis.
JavaScript From chatbots to your home thermostat, it seems like machine learning algorithms are everywhere nowadays. How about understanding how this works now? In this talk, you will learn the basics of machine learning through various basic examples, without the need for a PhD or deep knowledge of assembly. At the end of this talk, you will know what the Naive Bayes classifiers, sentiment analysis and basic genetic algorithms are and how they work.
JavaScript Back in 2006 jQuery 1.0 was released. Today, jQuery is still used by a large portion of the web: 70% of the top 100k sites! Its sheer ubiquity is evident: Bootstrap v3's JavaScript plugins depend on it! jQuery's brilliant selectors, powerful Ajax calls, and how well it has abstracted away browser differences has enabled developers to move the web forward.

Together we'll explore refactoring and testing jQuery code using modern JavaScript.
JavaScript Yes, okay, ES2015 rules, and ES2017 brings about a lot of cool things (most notably async/await), but a ton of cool stuff is expected to land in the next few years, too… and we can play with it already!

Christophe takes you through a whirlwind tour of the upcoming features he’s most excited about, due to become official in 2018, 2019… or 2020 ;-)
JavaScript You're building a high performing, cross-platform web app, with JavaScript, some sweet APIs, and of course Markup, and the term "static site" just doesn't cut it anymore. Now you want your users to be able to securely store their data in your app, using a familiar identity provider like Facebook or Github.
Learn how to easily add Auth0 powered authentication to your JAM Stack app, and sleep soundly knowing your users secrets are safe.
JavaScript Most web developers test their experiences in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, and Edge. Many haven't even heard of UC Browser. But UC Browser is the #1 browser in India and Indonesia, both emerging markets which tons of potential. Using Instagram's mobile web experience as a case study, this talk will explain why UC Browser is popular in these countries as well as the opportunities available in growing users in these locations.
JavaScript JavaScript is single threaded, so understanding the async patterns available in the language is critical to creating maintainable NodeJS applications with good performance. In order to master “thinking in async”, we’ll explore the async patterns available in node and JavaScript including standard callbacks, promises, thunks/tasks, the new async/await, the upcoming asynchronous iteration features, streams, CSP and ES Observables.
JavaScript For all the power and flexibility JavaScript offers, maintaining even a medium sized JavaScript project can be a nightmare. In addition, IDEs offer limited support during development as it's hard to determine object types. TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, brings strong typing, robust module management, and enhanced tooling while emitting cross-platform JavaScript. And, if you know JavaScript, you can get up and running in 45 minutes.
JavaScript Instagram was famous for being "Mobile First", but in 2017, it started doubling down on its mobile web experience by bringing a creation flow, stories, as well as search and explore functionality to mobile web. This talk will explain why Instagram decided to do this as well as discuss technical details about how it uses modern best practices in web to provide a fulfilling experience for their users.
JavaScript WebWorkers have been very useful for performing computation-intensive tasks in parallel, preventing browser lockup. Recently a new beast has appeared: the ServiceWorker. I will show how to use both WebWorkers and a ServiceWorker to add new features to the web development: rendering HTML from data without blocking the main thread, supporting offline mode, computation-intensive tasks.
JavaScript It's often said that JavaScript makes things inaccessible with a screen reader. This is not true. It is possible to do good and bad things with JavaScript (as with any other language, or even dynamite) - but it helps if you understand accessibility mechanics in the browser if you want to avoid blowing things up. Throw a little ARIA into the mix and you can really start to make things explode unintentionally!

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