March 7-9, 2018
Montreal, Canada

Montreal DevOps Conference

DevOps "Every outage is like a murder mystery" is a common complaint. But it doesn't have to be! This talk gives an overview on how to monitor PHP applications from all possible sides — operating system, webserver, database, logs, metrics, and tracing across systems.
DevOps Proper and correct authentication is a fundamental requirement for authorization and access control. Plain passwords logins is ubiquitous, but no longer state of the art. This talk will give you an overview of various alternatives and their crypto starting with password hashing over Unix sockets, 2FA, certificates, and hardware tokens to federated Single Sign-On solutions like Kerberos or OpenIDC.
DevOps Build vendor-agnostic cloud images using Packer, and provision the necessary software dependencies using Ansible, including your application code. Terraform will deploy these images, and create loadbalanced computing instances on various cloud environments. All this happens in a single configuration format.

Avoid vendor lock-in, and apply a single strategy that works with multiple Cloud vendors.
DevOps Most talks about DevOps focus on a specific technology stack or recipes that worked in a specific organization. But what these talks don't tell us is actually the most important one: the story of the journey. What challenges did they face and how (and why!) did they solve them? Each DevOps journey is different, but they share some common traits.
In this talk we'll reveal a the secret ingredient and a recipe for a successful DevOps journey.
DevOps You're not the DevOps guy, and you hate bash scripts. You want to deploy a scalable and secure application, but you spend most your time in application code. This talk will show you just how easy it can be to achieve security and scalability with PHP and Python using Docker containers. By the end of the talk, you'll be able to deploy an autoscaling Kubernetes cluster of frameworks and microservices.
DevOps As more applications are hosted on servers, they produce immense quantities of logging data. Quality engineers should verify that apps are producing log data that is existent, correct, consumable, and complete. Otherwise, apps in production are not easily monitored, have issues that are difficult to detect, and cannot be corrected quickly. Tom Chavez presents the four steps that quality engineers should include in every app test plan.
DevOps Get insights for your Jenkins master and node infrastructure, job and build details including an incredibly efficient way to analyze test results! See the health of your slaves to discover hard to find issues and fix them before they become a bottleneck for development teams. Examine audit trail of user logins and job control including configuration changes — useful for security and compliance.
DevOps "Pas de problème, quel nuage?"
"Je sais pas"
"Ok. On va les faire tous et on verra après"

Prendre une application Java. La déployer sur autant de cloud que possible dans le temps imparti. Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Digital Ocean et j'en passe. Pour voir la différence.
DevOps Organizations are interested in DevOps because it is tied to extraordinary business results. Developers and Operations adopt DevOps because.. well.. it's just fun, really. The problem is that DevOps is a journey which takes time and money. It might be hard to sustain the kind of investment required when the reasons are so hard to articulate.
This talk will explain the key metrics that management will understand and how to produce them.
DevOps Elasticsearch is a scalable text-search engine that replicates its index onto many instances. Managing many clusters can be daunting as their configuration drifts and their intrinsic data distribution diverges. At Shopify, we built an internal search operator with Elasticsearch, written in Golang and using Kubernetes as its foundation to allow deployment on k8s fleets, like Google Cloud. I’ll share lessons learned and benefits of this system.
DevOps What can tracing tell us about an application? We will use modern tracing tools to follow a request across several languages to see what their frameworks are doing and how well they are doing it. We will look at the call stack for Ruby on Rails, Express.js, and Wordpress. Additionally, we will use tracing to identify latency and improve performance. Finally, we’ll cover the OpenCensus initiative to standardize tracing across vendor and language.

Explore all 154 sessions

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