PHPAn obscure but ubiquitous design pattern in PHP development is known as Funky Caching. Using real architectural examples as a lens to look at this one simple PHP design pattern, we see how we can design web architectures that are "organic, democratic, and lasting"
PHPJoin us on a tour of, a profiling tool for PHP. You will get a brief look at what profiling means and why it is important. You’ll see how to create, read, and analyze performance profiles. You’ll also take a look at more advanced functionality like performance management automation.
PHPSymfony is a modern framework that allows you two write sustainable PHP applications.
I will show you an approach on how to develop Symfony applications that are not tightly coupled to symfony and HTTP. This approach will allow you to implement controllers that can act as HTTP endpoints and message queue endpoints, and which may easily be migrated to the next generation of PHP framework in a few years.
PHPUnsure where to start with your next application? Are you sure you want full stack Symfony eventually but not sure you can commit to the extra work upfront? Afraid that if you start with a micro-framework like Silex you’ll end up needing to migrate to full stack Symfony anyway? Enter Symfony Flex. Flex brings all of the power of full stack Symfony with the upfront requirements of a micro-framework.
PHPOver the years, people have questioned if PHP is a good choice for building web services. In this talk, I will share how we use PHP on the backend for Glu Mobile’s flagship mobile game Design Home, enabling it to regularly rank amongst the top free mobile games in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. We will deep dive into the thought processes, development, testing, and deployment strategy, showcasing what we have achieved with PHP.
PHPEvery developer should be confident that their code is efficient and safe to run in production. But it can be hard to get started. How do we find out what load our app can handle? How do we prove it's not leaking memory or how do we identify the areas to optimise? What tools to use? What do the graphs mean? Let’s answer those questions by analysing a simple PHP app using some open source projects and tools.
PHPWe will start with the basics and I will guide you through 4 parts of writing tests using PHPUnit.
- Part 1: Unit Testing
- Part 2: Integration Testing
- Part 3: Acceptance Testing
- Part 4: Smoke Testing
After this session, you'll have a good understanding of all 4 types of tests, how they should be structured and in which cases they are used. On top, you'll get a lot of examples and exercises for each type.
PHPEn 2018, Décathlon a ouvert sa première boutique à Montréal. Nous avons travaillé avec Algolia pour déployer localement, puis dans d'autres pays (Décathlon est présent dans plus de 45 pays) un moteur de recherche sur un catalogue produit unifié et mondial.
Dans cette présentation, nous verrons les étapes de création de l'index pour le moteur de recherche, jusqu'à l'intégration de l'instant search et la navigation à facettes dynamiques.
PHPReleasing open-source libraries is more than sharing your Github URL with the world. There are many considerations and steps involved especially for successful and long-lived projects.
In this talk we’ll cover the principles behind creating, releasing and maintaining high-quality libraries. Topics will include structuring the repository, implementing modern PHP standards, maintaining changelogs, using CI tests, releasing new versions and more.
PHPEveryone fears the review of his own code. And to start with, there is no time. Because, what will happen once we have found something to detail? In fact, a good code review means being ready to discuss a mere few lines, assess the context and evaluate an alternative, or not. Using automated tools that are not scared by volume, we’ll keep everything under control, without anyone else knowing about it.
PHPToday it's crystal clear why we need unit tests. Even integration and acceptance tests are quite common. However, none of these tests is generally run in a production environment. Well, are you sure that all your web pages are working in production after your newest feature was deployed? Discover SmokeTests (as well called sanity or availability tests) and why every web development team should have them set up.
PHPSwoole is an event-driven asynchronous and concurrent networking communication engine for writing high-performance HTTP and WebSocket services in PHP. It changes the way how we write and build PHP applications. With supports of coroutine, non-blocking IO, connection pool, and many more, we can build better scalable and fast web applications. In this talk, I will dig into technical details and demonstrate how Swoole breaks the limit of PHP.
PHPIn this presentation we will look at how to deal with time zones, and two calendars: natural year, and ISO8601. We will see how it is hard to make assumptions on how they work, and explain how they came into existence. We'll focus mostly on how to handle them from within PHP, as well as how we (should) store them in databases. We'll also have a quick look at date manipulation when querying data.
PHPMongoDB 4.0 now supports multi-document transactions. We will explore the ins and outs of this functionality, and various approaches to conquering eventual consistency. You will learn about replication and transaction internals, and how to apply these concepts in your applications.
PHPEveryone fears the review of his own code. And to start with, there is no time. Because, what will happen once we have found something to detail? In fact, a good code review means being ready to discuss a mere few lines, assess the context and evaluate an alternative, or not. Using automated tools that are not scared by volume, we’ll keep everything under control, without anyone else knowing about it.
PHPAs developers we write code every day, but we frown at it a week later. Why do we have such a hard time with code written by others and ourselves, this raging desire to rewrite everything we see? Writing code that survives the test of time and self-judgment is a matter of clarity and simplicity. Let's talk about growing, learning and improving our code with calisthenics, readability and good design.
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