8 au 10 mars 2017
Montréal, Canada

Conférence PHP à Montréal

PHP En PHP, les frameworks de tests unitaires se comptent sur les doigts de la main. Pourtant, derrière le vénérable PHPUnit éclosent plusieurs alternatives qui apportent de nouvelles approches, d’autres arguments, pour faciliter la mise en place de test, améliorer la vitesse d’exécution, faciliter le mocking, ...
Dans cette conférence, je vais vous présenter les grands principes d’atoum : simplicité, modernité et intuitivité.
PHP Behat is a great tool when it comes to testing pages with javascript because it gives you a great base framework mostly when you use the Mink extensions. This talk will show the different challenges we had to solve around our SPA at Learning Bird and the kind of structure we had to adopt to create beautiful and readable tests.
PHP The time of static or dynamically generated sites is long gone. Non-stop interaction with users is the new normal. However, polling with Ajax requests is processor intensive and cumbersome. Websockets allow you to interact with users in real-time without increasing system load. We'll go through the basics and see all the different options, illustrated with live examples.
PHP Separated layers are one of the fundamental principles of software design. Your framework is the topmost layer, and your business code should not depend on it. While we will touch a few package design basics, the focus is on how to actually *DO* it: Expose the user accounts in your model to your framework without depending on it. Separate form input validation from entities. Isolate ORM-specific code in bridges. And be pragmatic about it.
PHP Resistant, highly testable, safe and maintainable code: or not?

There are a thousand ways to break your code, and a lot of ways to prevent that from happening.

Let's explore defensive programming and learn how to protect our code from invalid usage.
PHP This talk is a 1 hour live coding session targeted to PHP developers who wish to get started with Symfony quickly. While coding a small demo application from scratch, I'll explain the most important concepts of Symfony such as HTTP request handling, URLs routing, Doctrine and Twig integrations and the famous debugging tools. If the allocated time also enables it, you'll learn how to configure the framework and extend it with your custom services.
PHP I love programming. I've been messing around with code since I was a kid and the Internet started to pick up. I've been to a couple of companies and seen some great code as well as some very "WTF" stuff. In this talk, we'll look at what makes good quality code and how you can make your code better for yourself as well as others, along with some examples of how to rewrite some basic code to make it better. We'll use PHP, but it applies to others.
PHP PHP's stateless execution model is still based on the mechanics of CGI: request in, response out. This means simplicity, but also significant overhead on each request. All other languages on the web now offer production-ready web servers implemented purely in each language. PHP is finally catching up with solutions like Aerys or PHP-PM, which promise tremendous performance gains and the potential for a few features Apache or Nginx cannot offer.
PHP This presentation will cover some of the more advanced features of Laravel and explain how to use them and in which contexts. This presentation assumes a little understanding and experience with Laravel and will go into Service providers, Facades, the Container, the Queues, Event driven programming and even explore some deep features of the ORM that you might not have used yet.
PHP In this talk we'll introduce the core concepts of unit testing and TDD — what it is, how it's done, why it matters — and then jump into doing it with one of the most time-tested techniques to comfortably start to get comfortable with the idea: code katas.
Code Katas are a systematic practice where you solve a specific code problem for about 25 minutes. After that, you throw the code away! This means they're the ideal way to learn.
PHP Gathering the data is not a problem today. The bigger challenge is to understand these informations and draw some conclusions. Fortunately, we can use ML techniques to „teach” computer how to learn from our data. FANN, random forests, SVMs, classification, clustering - just to name a few concepts ready to use... We'll learn how to apply all these solutions to PHP app to deliver automatic insights and create a real business value for a client.
PHP One challenging aspect of ecommerce projects is the wide variety of payment gateway APIs, each one different from the last. Learn about Omnipay, a payment processing library for PHP that acts as an abstraction layer between your code and a wide range of popular payment APIs. Learn how it can help keep your code portable between projects and provide business continuity if you need to switch providers, as well as the limitations of this approach.
PHP A travers cette conférence, je me propose de vous tracer l’histoire de la migration de 6play (système de télévision de rattrapage du groupe M6, premier groupe de télévision privé français) d’une application monolithique vers un univers de micro-service, des avantages en terme de maintenance, d’évolution, de montée en charge, mais également des différents écueils rencontrés lors de ce changement de paradigme : caching, logging, complexité globale.
PHP Design patterns are conceptual solutions to solve common redundant problems in software engineering. However, learning them is not easy as litterature or tutorials on the Internet often introduce them with theorical examples. This talk gives you a slightly different approach by introducing some of the most useful design patterns with practical code samples to solve real world problems.
PHP Symfony Components are the building blocks of the Symfony full stack framework. But they are just as useful to modernize your legacy applications step by step, and to introduce modern coding standards to projects. While getting to grips with the components and learning to use them standalone, a nice side effect of this talk is that it will give you a better insight into how Symfony full stack works as a framework.
PHP With WordPress 4.4 came the infrastructure to make creating REST endpoints in WordPress easier. These are the first step to the project's goal of making all site's content available via a standard set of REST endpoints which finally let people abandon the project's historic XML-RPC endpoint. In this session we'll talk about what WordPress's REST infrastructure enables today, what that means for developers, and what the future looks like.
PHP When your PHP code is running on production servers, you’ve got the new challenge, undestand what exactly is going on. With dedicated engine for time-series data you can show useful dashboards for every team, do capacity planning or even monitor your app with anomaly detection algorithms. In this talk I’ll introduce core concepts for data gathering, stacks for processing metrics from PHP app, and techniques from collecting to anomaly detection.

Explorez les 156 présentations

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