8 au 10 mars 2017
Montréal, Canada

Conférence JavaScript à Montréal

JavaScript Curious about EcmaScript 6 / 2015? Want to use it today? JavaScript has come of age, and this latest version adds lots of syntactical sugar to make our code clearer.
You can use these tools in ES5 browsers today by leveraging a code bundler and transpiler. We'll look at the new syntax such as =>, let, import, andclass, transpilers like Babel, and Code Bundlers like Webpack. You can use these open-source technologies in production today to quickl
JavaScript The time of static or dynamically generated sites is long gone. Non-stop interaction with users is the new normal. However, polling with Ajax requests is processor intensive and cumbersome. Websockets allow you to interact with users in real-time without increasing system load. We'll go through the basics and see all the different options, illustrated with live examples.
JavaScript Bots and conversational apps give you the opportunity to bring your apps to your users right where they are. Users can interact with you via various messaging services, including text messages. Not only does this mean they don't need to install yet another app, they can access the information and services they want directly, without navigating a UI. This session will show you how to get a bot up and running quickly using Bot Framework.
JavaScript With WebGL you can build great graphics-heavy applications, but it’s a lot of things to grok: Vertices, Buffers, Shaders & much more!

If that kept you from playing with WebGL, this talk is for you. You’ll learn everything you need to conquer the CPU with JavaScript: Vertices, Buffers, Shaders and all the glue between them and you leave this talk with the ability to create 3D content on the web
JavaScript Découvrez comment il est possible de mettre à profit votre expertise en HTML, CSS et JavaScript dans un contexte d'interactivité tangible. Apprenez à créer une application de bureau qui récupère des informations sur l'environnement physique à l'aide de capteurs (mouvement, distance, force, etc.) et qui utilise des actuateurs (lumières, moteurs, pistons, etc.) pour interagir avec celui-ci. Le monde analogique est dorénavant à votre portée!
JavaScript Offline First is an approach to application design in which a web, mobile, desktop, or Internet of Things application is built for offline usage first and is then progressively enhanced to take advantage of network connectivity when available. An Offline First app can provide a better, faster user experience — both offline and online — by storing content and data locally and synchronizing with the cloud when a network connection is available.
JavaScript The modern web browser is a powerful and flexible platform that is far more capable that you might think. Many advanced features can get lost in the gap between front-end and back-end development skill sets. Find out about the HTML5 APIs you've never heard of, from audio to video to physical sensors, and interaction methods for mobile users. Learn where they are supported and how you can start work with these APIs in your next project!
JavaScript Data is meaningless if not delivered properly. This talk will introduce you to the dazzling world of Data Visualization for web. We will look at three JavaScript libraries: HighCharts, D3, and Google Visualization. We will explore common applications, and how to integrate them in analytics dashboards and reports. Finally, we will show how to use the React framework with these libraries to render graphics automatically.
JavaScript Learn how you can use speech recognition effectively in your browser and on mobile platforms. We’ll discuss what speech recognition is, review the current state of the W3C Web Speech API specification, including which vendors have implemented pieces of the specification. We’ll have live demos on using speech recognition for dictation, querying the web for answers, and translating English to other languages.
JavaScript Have you ever wondered how the computer takes a bunch of boxes, makes them ones and zeroes and then puts them as little dots with vibrant colours on screen?

You will gain understanding of the nitty-gritty details of how your browser processes and renders your web application or website. It also explains all the weird things, like the mysterious and often-quoted “GPU acceleration” and why some CSS animations are smoother than others.
JavaScript Avec l'émergence de React, toute une catégorie de problème récurrent dans la création de SPA à disparu. Le revers de la médaille c'est que d'autres problèmes sont apparus. Je vais présenter différents challenges que j'ai rencontrés avec React et les solutions que j'ai utilisées.
Cette présentation est mon retour d'expérience avec 1 an de React.
JavaScript With React Native, you can now leverage the amazing advances in the Javascript ecosystem to create quality native applications that simultaneously target Android and iOS. Buckle up, this talk will show you how to setup your environment with state of the art tech (ES6, React, Redux) before launching into component design and how to code real, working native applications for iOS and Android.
JavaScript In this talk I will show how to remove lots and lots of unnecessary code from your application. Counter variables, wrapper functions, callbacks - they can all be removed using utility libraries or even built-in JavaScript ES5 language features. In each instance there will be a lot less code, but it will be more robust, manageable and
simpler to reason about and test.
JavaScript Every JavaScript project requires 3rd party modules. As soon as you depend on specific versions, your module falls behind. I will show how to keep your software up to date without any effort (as long as there are some tests). Everything will be automated and reliable; it is like bringing an army of robots to help you.
JavaScript CasperJS est un outil qui permet de rédiger des scénarios de tests fonctionnels automatisés en Javascript. CasperJS simule un fureteur et permet d'interagir avec une application web de diverses façons. Dans cette présentation, vous apprendrez comment rédiger une suite de tests avec plusieurs interactions avec l'interface graphique d'une application. Vous apprendrez aussi comment intégrer CasperJS à Jenkins pour l'utiliser en intégration continue.
JavaScript We are living in a world with seemingly endless data being collected. Maps give us the opportunity to visualize that data in a way that makes sense. Maps can go from showing geographical data trends for big decision makers, to displaying where your nearest burrito food truck is. Join this talk to learn about the basics of creating a Map web application, including a discussion of the features of top interactive map APIs.
JavaScript This is about JavaScript, clutter, purity, and thoughts on what should be in the language that comes after, assuming that we all live that long.
JavaScript Méconnu et pourtant présent partout, le DOM de l’ombre cache bien des secrets. Enquête sur cette matière noire qui peuple les navigateurs et qui préfigure les “composants” web de demain, stylables, scriptables et loin d’être cachés car les outils pour développeur les dévoilent sans pudeur. On retrouve cette philosophie dans Polymer et d’autres frameworks à balises personnalisées ainsi que 3 spécifications W3C.
JavaScript JavaScript is a flexible and powerful language. The problem, though, is this power comes at a cost. Writing clean JavaScript can be a challenge, debugging simple problems can be a nightmare, and even the smallest app’s code can quickly turn to spaghetti. TypeScript allows JavaScript developers to take advantage of OOP functionality offered in languages like Java and C#, and build upon the skills they already have, to create elegant code.
JavaScript For many, reading on the mobile web is a slow, clunky and frustrating experience - but it doesn’t have to be that way. The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that embodies the vision that you should be able to create mobile optimized content once and have it load instantly everywhere. We'll look at how to build complex pages using AMP, why they're fast, and how you can measure success.

Explorez les 156 présentations

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