December 4-6, 2017
Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver JavaScript Conference

JavaScript Asynchronicity is fundamental to JS and a huge benefit for apps and APIs, but developers have had to struggle with difficult to follow logic and code that quickly becomes unmaintainable. Promises were a stepping stone, but they don't solve the problem themselves. This session will cover an intro to Promises, and then how we can use them to build better asynchronous workflows with generators and async/await.
JavaScript Long gone are the days when in order to be considered accessible, pages had to work flawlessly without scripting. Scripting has also come a long way, and developers are now even leveraging the powers of JavaScript to rewrite content in order to make it more accessible to ATs. This presentation will cover some of the issues that can arise from using JavaScript, and how scripting can be used in a way that still ensures accessibility.
JavaScript Syntax Tree is an underlying structure of a programming language. These structures can be used for understanding, transforming, formatting, linting or minifying code. In this talk, you will learn about working with syntax trees. You will also learn how to apply this knowledge in practice with some live examples.
JavaScript Bots and conversational apps give you the opportunity to bring your apps to your users right where they are. Users can interact with you via various messaging services, including text messages. This mean that not only they don't need to install another app, but they can access the information and services they want directly, without navigating a UI. This session will show you how to get a bot up and running quickly using Bot Framework.
JavaScript In modern web environment, there is plenty of XSS protection mechanisms. Web browsers (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Edge) are providing client-side filtering for XSS to defend their users. What are the limitations of each? Frameworks are also adding proactive mechanisms. Can we rely on them?
There will be no 0-day bypass for web browser bypass.
JavaScript Are you looking to build a cutting edge responsive web app? Instead of using heavy frameworks that take time to learn, maintain and replace, #UseThePlatform and leverage new web platform primitives to build a better web!
You’ll learn how the Polymer library is fundamentally different than other frameworks. How Comcast is building its next generation single page apps for millions of customers using the latest browser APIs.
JavaScript JavaScript is growing up and browser vendors are on board! But many developers are stuck in the year 2000. This session will show attendees some of the more compelling and practical changes in ES6/2015. We'll talk about new variable declaration types and scopes, default function args, object deconstruction, template strings, "classes", and more. This will be a quick tour, but with practical examples that every developer should have.
JavaScript In this talk we will look at the implementation of a simple Angular Material Tab component and explore how Angular handles conditionally displaying elements with structural directives such as ngIf.
JavaScript More and more websites are moving from server-side rendering to single page applications, making the role of front-end performance optimization increasingly important. This presentation will start with explaining browser rendering, going onto a list of items to watch out for in order to write a fast SPA and ending with a demo on how to debug a slow webpage.
JavaScript Being a developer of a third-party script means not only that you battle browser discrepancies and bugs, but also non-conforming code that exists on the page. We have spent countless hours debugging issues, only to learn that the culprit was an overwritten method or property that behaves differently than its original native. I will share with you the tools and methods we use to identify and workaround these party crashers.
JavaScript Fundamentally changing an app's architecture can be a tremendous success or a catastrophic failure. We recently survived switching our large Rails app to a single-page architecture and came away with useful lessons for handling large architectural changes successfully. This presentation discusses the problems we uncovered, the decisions we made, and the road we took to a better user experience, cleaner code, and a more efficient team.
JavaScript For all the power and flexibility JavaScript offers, maintaining even a medium sized JavaScript project can be a nightmare. In addition, IDEs offer limited support during development as it's hard to determine object types. TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, brings strong typing, robust module management, and enhanced tooling while emitting cross-platform JavaScript. And, if you know JavaScript, you can get up and running in 45 minutes.
JavaScript Using native browser APIs including server-timing, user-timing, and service workers (and some browser hacks) you can dynamically adjust the content you serve to each user based on their real-time conditions. There is no improvement without measurement - and the most valuable measurement is real-user measurement (RUM). To provide the best possible experience to each user, it is necessary to collect actionable RUM data throughout the entire stack.
JavaScript Developing cutting edge experiences for IoT is challenging. With hundreds of new IoT products added every year, developers need a better way to build front-ends for constantly evolving backends and products, but how? At Comcast we’re working on solving this problem with Web Components. Come learn more about what web components, why they are great for micro services, and critical for mobile development.

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