December 4-6, 2017
Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver .NET Conference

.NET The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is really cool. It helps providing our applications with virtually unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? We will go over the base concepts of .NET memory management and explore how .NET helps us and how we can help .NET.
.NET Everybody is consuming or producing NuGet packages these days. It’s easy, right? We’ll look beyond what everyone is doing. How can we use the NuGet client API to fetch data from NuGet? Can we build an application plugin system based on NuGet? What hidden gems are there in the NuGet server API? Can we create a full copy of
.NET Nothing gets DBAs more riled up than a developer infatuated with an Object-Relational Mapper. ORMs work great at mapping from relational to objects, but can be a crutch. If you want to make your DBA (and your users happy), you’ll want to use your ORM intelligently. In this session, we will look at application patterns, ORM features and more to discover the right way of using your ORM.
.NET In today's world, security is of utmost importance. Breaches round the world have shown the sheer amount of data that is at risk every day.

Spencer will demonstrate authentication strategies for your systems, from tokens to OAuth to ASP.NET Identity. We will also discuss common security flaws such as XSS and CSRF and how ASP.NET Core addresses these.

Join us and learn how to avoid being the next story on Have I Been Pwned!
.NET Security best practices are often generic and language agnostic. This makes the life of a developer much harder than it should be. In this talk, a survey of the most common vulnerabilities in .NET context will be presented. Different vulnerability classes will be explored including XSS, injections and application misconfigurations. This will be done through live demos using open-source vulnerability finding tools specialized for .NET.
.NET AWS has Lambda, Azure has Azure Functions, Web Jobs, and App Service. Whether you want to script pay-by-the-drink web endpoints or build more traditional micro services, come join us for this code-focused look at architecting, coding, and deploying serverless resources in C# and .NET Core.
.NET Ever wondered how Entity Framework and NHibernate translate even the most complicated of LINQ queries to SQL? The answer is simple – expression trees.

In this session, Spencer will unravel the mysteries of expression trees. Attendees will learn what expression trees are, how to create them, and how some of our favorite libraries use them to perform routine tasks.
.NET Have you heard the buzz? .NET Core 1.1 is released, and .NET Core 2.0 is on the horizon. Want to get started and don't know where to look? Or played with some old betas and want to get restarted? Come journey with us through the fundamental principles of .NET Core, look at how these evolved during the development of .NET Core, and see how you can get started today building and deploying .NET Core products.

Explore all 87 sessions

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