March 13-15, 2019
Montreal, Canada

Montreal DevOps Conference

DevOps This is a DevOps talk by someone who hates "DevOps". Instead of focusing on tools and cool tech we need to focus on our teams building the best software they possibly can. Sometimes this means not playing with the "bright, shiny" or building it just because we can. Our workloads live at different levels of abstraction, and we should understand how to run them with the minimal amount of DevOps work. Avoid the yak shave and dev only the right ops.
DevOps Web applications are getting more complex. A lot of effort has been deployed in web frameworks.
On the other side, the infrastructure used is rarely scrutinized by developers for potential vulnerabilities.
This talk will show you how the use of a cache server can introduce serious vulnerabilities to your web applications. It will cover Web Cache Deception, ESI injection and Cache poisoning. These attacks have all emerged in the past two years.
DevOps This talk shows how we did set up our Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment at Flare Systems. We will walk through how to build our docker image, run tests, collect the results and deploy the service, all while talking about the gotchas and ways to speed up everything. While the presentation relies on the free Gitlab runners, the concept should be applicable to other CI services such as CircleCI or TravisCI.
DevOps Engineering, DevOps, IT, Marketing, name it, there is a constant battle between going fast and doing it right. How can we minimize the friction of collaborating across teams and departments? FSGD distills many core lean (and agile) principles into an easy-to-remember and easy-to-communicate thinking tool you can use to make better decisions about the work you do.
DevOps Kubernetes is a very powerful container orchestration platform that is quickly gaining traction and gives you lots of benefits in deploying, running and scaling your microservice web application. But it has also a steep learning curve.
In this talk I will introduce you to Kubernetes, and show you, based on a practical example, how to continuously deploy a web application into it.
DevOps Have you ever heard someone say “Don’t deploy on Friday”? I used to say that too!
Join me as I'll tell you about my experience. Using examples from my work on multiple real world projects, I’ll discuss resilience and operability, deployment strategies, pipelines and continuous testing. Discover the details of trunk based development, feature toggles, pair programming and other best practices and gain the confidence to deploy any day of the week!
DevOps Tsunami waves travel at the speed of 500 - 600 miles/hr, where as normal waves at 5 - 60 miles/hr. Due to technical limitations, even massive Tsunamis are hard to detect & forecast. In recent times, hyper sensitive micro-metrics measuring technologies are employed to forecast Tsunamis. Similarly, it's hard to forecast production performance problems. Learn the micro-metrics to measure in dev/test that forecast problems with high accuracy.
DevOps Modern OS and CPUs come with a variety of APIs for monitoring. Ptrace based commands like strace are easy to use but slow. Perf allows lightweight profiling. SystemTap is a powerful toolkit plus DSL to instrument probe points inside the Kernel as well as static SystemTap/DTrace markers in libs and languages like Java, PHP, and Python. In my talk I'll show and compare various low and high level tools as well as visualization (e.g. flame graphs).
DevOps Containers are all the rage these days. But... what are they? What exactly is a container and how does it work? Just how does a container differ from the “old” silver bullet, virtual machines?
This session will go deep on how computers work at a low level and build our way up to what containers really are, how they work, and what makes them so powerful. Containers mean more than just Docker.
DevOps Terraform has changed the way many organizations deploy to the cloud. With a clear configuration language you can manage countless services (providers in Terraform) and ensure they are kept in sync with your deployment needs. Learn how to build out some of the most common patterns and infrastructures against AWS, and start writing your infrastructure as code today.
DevOps DevOps solutions are tying together increasingly complex tools that can be hard to manage and monitor. To check on the health of your processes you need to be dialed in to your source code, artifact management, continuous integration, delivery and deployment, static code analysis, security analysis, monitoring health, infrastructure and test automation, just to name a few. Come see how to aggregate your view of the DevOps world in practice.

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