March 13-15, 2019
Montreal, Canada

Databases Conference

Databases What happens when the code for your Entity Framework LINQ queries looks good, but your app is very slow? Are you looking in the right place? Don’t be afraid to start looking at your database. Knowing how to investigate and debug what your LINQ queries are doing in SQL Server is as important as the actual LINQ query in your .NET solutions. In the end, learning to be an Entity Framework detective will make your project sound and snappy.
Databases MySQL 8 has many new features including a true data dictionary so that you can have millions of tables within a schema, resource groups to dedicate processors for classes of queries, historgrams to provide better query plans, invisible indexes, a contention aware transnational scheduler, better locking granularity, and more! This session is aimed at developers who could benefit from more perfrormant queries from their database.
Databases Find out what a graph database is and how it can transform your applications and data! We will explore creating, querying, and displaying data and learn how to use simple tools to interact with the database. We will cover the whiteboard-friendly model and the basics of the Cypher query language. Live demos will show developers how to interface with the database and the data in it. Learn how graph databases can improve the data world!
Databases Learn how graph algorithms can help you predict real-world behavior and why an averages approach fails. Find out which algorithms to apply for various types of data analysis. This will come alive through a live demo, where we look at what kinds of decisions you can make based on results from different algorithms. From this session, you will gain the knowledge to recognize whether you have a graph analytics problem and how you can get started.
Databases MySQL can now be used as a schema-less NoSQL JSON document store database. No more embedding ugly strings of Structured Query Language in your beautiful code. Plus the CRUD operations follow modern programming designs and work better with modern program flow. And you can also access old structured relational tables too so you get the best of both worlds built on proven MySQL technology. Lots of coding examples so you can start using it today!
Databases Most database lovers have heard of memcached for application-level data caching, but many haven't had the opportunity to play with Redis, a powerful in-memory data structure store. In this presentation, we explore Redis data structure operations through a number of patterns: key-value storage, leaderboards, membership, counters and message queues. To keep things fair, we'll provide database versions for comparison as well.
Databases JSON is the de facto standard for web and mobile applications, but more often than not, data is neither 100% structured nor 100% semi-structured. With JSON supported in relational databases, we can move to hybrid relational/JSON data models. In this session, we’ll discuss when and where it makes sense to use JSON in a relational database, and walk through 20+ code examples showing how to create and query a hybrid relational/JSON data model.
Databases MongoDB 4.0 now supports multi-document transactions. We will explore the ins and outs of this functionality, and various approaches to conquering eventual consistency. You will learn about replication and transaction internals, and how to apply these concepts in your applications.
Databases Instant updates are an essential part of modern applications where developers want to sync across platforms, systems, and users. Change streams give developers access to MongoDB's internal event logs to react to relevant data changes immediately. This session introduces change streams. We will dive into use cases and explore how to make good architectural decisions around this new functionality.

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