22 au 24 février, 2023
Montréal, Canada

Top 20 sessions

CarrièreIntelligence Artificielle Is it your technical skills, your expertise, your social soft skills or your teamwork that make you a great software engineer? The next decade might completely change the perspective considering all significant progress that has been made in the machine learning field. So will the future of software engineers depend on our ability to describe a problem for a machine? Does it mean that we need to think differently about our team and expertise?
DevOpsTests et Qualité Vous livrez des bugs dès que vous touchez au code? Vous êtes stressés lorsque vous livrez en production? Vous subissez certainement votre dette technique. Mais qu'est-ce que la dette technique? Quels en sont les impacts? Comment l'éviter et minimiser le temps à investir dessus? Vous découvrirez des clefs pour mieux gérer votre dette technique. Avec notamment des outils comme Renovate ou Openrewrite.
Architecture & Design PatternsJavaScript Microfrontends are the "microservices" of the frontend world. They enable web apps to be divided into separate modules and thus scale to many developers. While the backend has consensus on how to architect microservices, the frontend is still in the experimentation phase. I will describe how Roundforest does microfrontends, in a way that translates microservices to a natural and logical frontend architecture that makes sense on the web.
Securité We are in an age of technological revolution. The technologies that we read about in fiction and watched on tv shows as children are being built now, all around the world. 
This is a time to be excited and hopeful about the benefits that technology can bring to all aspects of our lives and society but also a time to be mindful of the risks we face.
In this talk, we discuss this exciting future and how we can work together to secure it.
Architecture & Design Patterns With 2 major web technology advancements, container queries and the decoupling of module federation from webpack, Micro Frontends architecture about to become as ubiquitous and mainstream as microservices. So what do you need to know? What are the pitfalls and tradeoffs, and what can you do to introduce Micro Frontends to your web application architecture?
Architecture & Design PatternsPHP We love heated discussions about what is RESTful and laugh at SOAP and other ancient RPC protocols while glorifying GraphQL... Forget the buzzwords and let's explore the true meaning of Application Programming Interfaces, from mere variables and functions, through network connections, to connecting large software systems. Thinking in terms of APIs can improve the way we approach software design on so many levels!
Securité Les JWT sont très pratiques pour faire transiter des données de manière fiable. Ils sont souvent utilisés pour assurer l'authentication auprès de micro-services ou de SSO dans le cadre d'OIDC. De plus, on voit beaucoup de JWS (des jetons signés), mais ce n'est pas la seule implémentation qui existe. JWT est plus vaste que ce que l'on peut penser. Je vous propose de découvrir des aspects de JWT moins connus que l'utilisation classique.
Tests et Qualité Your tests may be good. But they could be better!

When production code has tests, they are often hard to read. They also get in your way when you want to refactor code. Sometimes, you have false positives. Often, they are flaky…

In this talk, we will show you real-world examples of tests that have been improved. We will cover a few techniques you can re-use at work to improve the quality of your own tests!
InfonuagiqueDevOps Docker made containerization popular and lead the way to what many see as modern DevOps. But today Docker is far from the only or even best means to run your containers! This talk will introduce you to podman, the Docker alternative that does not require you to sacrifice security, offers best in class Systemd integration and even plays nicely with kubernetes. Are you ready to have a look?
DevOpsTests et Qualité Our natural approach to microservice testing is with all services integrated during the testing phase. This mindset is opposed to the essence of microservices, independently deployable units.

During this presentation, we will go through an emerging testing technique that reduces our need to integrate service before deploying into production, contract testing with a collaboration flow between teams.
Intelligence Artificielle Apprentissage Machine Do you want the good or the bad news first? End of last year OpenAI took everyone by surprise by releasing chatGPT. Microsoft, Meta and Google are now doubling down on AI chat-driven systems. Are you ready?

In this keynote, we'll explore the current and potential uses of multimodal conversational AIs. Let’s take a deep dive into this fascinating technology and consider what it means for our future as Developers.
Architecture & Design Patterns Caching data is a pattern used by any application that needs to serve high traffic and finds itself with latency requirements being incompatible with the selected persistence choice. While simple at first, creating and maintaining a cache has aspects often overlooked. In this session I will cover some of the challenges with caching, the typical solutions used and present the notion of using CQRS to eliminate the need to have one
InfonuagiqueDevOps Kubernetes makes it easy and reliable to deploy and run your services. But just deploying your web application is not enough in order to run it in a highly available and reliable way. You also need to care about databases, backups, monitoring, alerting, tracing, log management, security, DNS, load-balancing, TLS certificates, CI/CD pipelines, deployment strategies.
In this talk I'll show live, how you can set all of this up within 60 minutes.
Bases de données Redis sait faire bien plus que du stockage clé/valeur simple.
Grâce à des structures de données évoluées et a ses performances hors du commun,
il devient un allié très puissant à ajouter dans sa stack préférée.

A travers une série d'exemples, des trucs & astuces, nous verrons comment
utiliser Red
Gestion Cette conférence traite des outils et des meilleures pratiques pour comprendre et améliorer sa qualité de vie au travail et celle de son équipe. Pourquoi? Les organisations qui privilégient la qualité de vie au travail réalisent des bénéfices jusqu’à 2,5 fois supérieurs. Elles améliorent la satisfaction de leur personnel, leur attractivité, leur taux de rétention et de mobilisation de leur personnel et diminuent l'absentéisme.
Architecture & Design PatternsDocumentation A picture is worth a thousand words, they say - but unfortunately it is not always the case. If done right, diagrams are a treasure - but we've all seen and suffered from spaghetti diagrams and ones bringing confusion rather than clarity and added value.

Let's see what makes a diagram effective, what are the techniques and principles for creating good diagrams - and how everyone can get better at using this powerful communication tool.
DevOpsPerformance There are lots of caching solutions out there, each with their own specific features and implementation.

However, HTTP already has conventional caching mechanisms that are built into the protocol.

We'll talk about TTL control, cache variations, conditional requests, stale data, revalidation, error handling, surrogate control, HTTP placeholders, range requests and many other performance techniques that will make your website go faster.
Tests et QualitéApprentissage Machine After a review of the improvements embraced in Software testing, finally we will talk about integration of Machine Learning. Lets see how we can use ML and optimize software testing processes.

We will study the enhancements under basic headlines: (1) Waterfall to Agile, (2) Manual to Automated Testing, (3) Big Releases to Continuous Testing and (4) Leveraging ML in Testing (in all stages: Definition, Implementation, Execution, Maintenance).
Architecture & Design PatternsPHP Insights from building a real life, high-load REST API
Implementing a REST API is not only about designing correct resource URLs. I will talk about the software and system engineering part it takes to build a data API. I will show concrete examples from a project where we gather data from dozens of different services and systems and build a real-time capable data API. The main technology stack is Symfony, Elasticsearch and Varnish.
Intelligence Artificielle Apprentissage Machine Applying AI to real world problems in a supervised fashion requires large set of data covering all aspects of the problem we are solving. In reality, it’s impossible to build such dataset thus giving our model limited understanding of the problem leading to absurd predictions. The solution is Contrastive Learning which learns similarities and differences by contrasting samples against each other therefore limiting the need for human supervision.

Explorez les 152 présentations