22 au 24 février, 2023
Montréal, Canada

Building Serverless Apps With MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB has been around for a while. Perhaps you’ve even tried it in the past. But MongoDB Atlas is more than a database. Atlas, the full developer data platform, can help you build applications faster than ever. This hands-on workshop will teach you how to use MongoDB Atlas's features to build serverless applications. This workshop will start from the basics of data modelling in MongoDB, all the way to building an application that uses the Atlas application services.

This is a hands-on workshop, so expect to write code. Some basic JavaScript knowledge could help, but is not required.

Part 1: Exploring MongoDB’s document model

  • What is MongoDB and document databases
  • How does document databases differ from relational databases
  • More advanced patterns for data modeling
  • Create an Atlas cluster

Part 2: Intro to MongoDB Atlas

  • The MongoDB tools (Compass, Mongosh)
  • Using the sample dataset
  • Querying and manipulating data in MongoDB
  • Introduction to aggregation pipelines
  • The Data API
  • Data lakes and data federation
  • Data visualization with MongoDB Charts

Part 3: Atlas application services

  • Rules and authentication
  • Using the GraphQL API
  • Going serverless
  • Functions, triggers, and HTTPS endpoints
  • Intro to the Realm Web SDK

Part 4: Building serverless applications with MongoDB Atlas

  • The Realm Web SDK
  • Authentication
  • Querying data using serverless
  • Calling Atlas functions
  • Hosting static websites on Atlas

Joel Lord


Joel Lord is passionate about web and technology in general. He likes to learn new things but most of all, he likes to share his discoveries. He does so by travelling at various conferences all across the globe.
He graduated from college in computer programming in the last millennium. Apart for a little break to get his BSc in computational astrophysics, he was always in the industry.
As a developer advocate with MongoDB, he meets with developers to help them make the web better.

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