26 février au 1 mars 2013
Montréal, Canada

Conférence .NET à Montréal

.NET In this session we’ll take a tour of all the various technologies that web developers & architects need to consider when putting together a Microsoft-based web application. From UI code libraries, to developer tooling, to server/cloud options & features, to considerations for performance & security, we’ll explore Microsoft web dev here in 2013.
.NET In this session we’ll take a tour of all the various technologies that web developers & architects need to consider when putting together a Microsoft-based web application. From UI code libraries, to developer tooling, to server/cloud options & features, to considerations for performance & security, we’ll explore Microsoft web dev here in 2013.
.NET This demo-filled session will dive into Windows Azure’s relational and non-relational PaaS data services and how your applications can easily and efficiently leverage these services. We’ll look at SQL Database, the cloud-based relational database based on SQL Server technology, then look at the details of the NoSql data store service Table Storage.
.NET You unit test, even integration test your application. You get to 100% code coverage, but when you finally deploy your application, the system is broken! How can we have full code coverage, but our application still breaks?

In this session, we'll look at functional testing with ASP.NET MVC and how we can design our system for testability.
.NET La session convrira les outils, méthodologies et meilleures pratiques pour développer une application d'affaire en SharePoint. La session incluera plusieurs démos et exemples de code .NET et permettra à l'audience de se familiariser avec les concepts de développement en SharePoint.
.NET Get a basic understanding of the MVC pattern and how it's been translated to the .NET world as an extension to ASP.NET. We'll have a look at the project templates, how Visual Studio has been tooled to help you do your job and some of the features that the latest build brings. Oh yeah, we're going to destroy a data-driven web site. In 8 minutes.
.NET In this presentation, we’ll take a look at Xamarin’s MonoTouch and Mono for Android. These tools allow you to create native apps using C# as the common language. You can target each platform natively and share non-UI code across iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps.

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