26 février au 1 mars 2013
Montréal, Canada

gevent-socketio on Pyramid / Flask / whatever

Live demo of the latest breed of gevent-socketio, Python's cross-framework Socket.IO implementation, supporting protocol version 0.7+, all for your real-time web pleasures.

Action packed live coding, chocolate and laughs with the package's maintainer.

Voir les 155 présentations

Alexandre Bourget

Tenscores Inc.

Alexandre is passionate about Python and the Web. He is the maintainer for the real-time web library `gevent-socketio` and has given many talks and workshops both on Web technologies and Python. He never fails to communicate his enthusiasm and stir up innovation.

After give years serving as a director at the free software consulting company SFL, Alexandre recently joined Tenscores, a startup developing an AdWords campaigns optimization platform (with Pyramid/MongoDB/AngularJS).

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