February 24-26, 2021
Online, Timezone GMT-5


Workshop: Coding a web app with Vue 3

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This immersive 2-day instructor-led workshop covers all the core concepts and guides you to build a full Vue 3 data-centric business application, step by step, including project setup, code structure, style guide, using the Vue CLI, data binding, querying a REST API, forms, routing, and more... this workshop is the ideal starting point to understand and use Vue 3 effectively now, and leverage the power of the new Composition API to optimize your Vue applications. You’ll experience several demos and "code along" activities and be provided with the code throughout the workshop, with plenty of interactivity with the instructor in the room!

Become a cross-platform mobile developer with Flutter

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Flutter is a trending cross-platform mobile development framework created by Google. By using Flutter and thanks to a language that is easy to get on board with, any developer is able to ship applications that look like a NATIVE app on both iOS and Android with wonderful developer experience. In this workshop, with our help, you will create a beautiful, fast application exploring the capabilities of the framework and demonstrating its strengths.

Workshop: Tests unitaires en PHP

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Passez-vous trop de temps à déboguer votre code? Est-ce que tout retester manuellement avant chaque déploiement vous semble peu fiable et cause du stress? Avec les tests unitaires, vous pouvez alléger considérablement ces tâches désagréables tout en augmentant votre confiance dans votre logiciel.

Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez les principes de base des tests unitaires et de PHPUnit. Vous découvrirez ensuite comment améliorer et simplifier vos tests à l'aide de mocks. Enfin, vous apprendrez à écrire des tests d'intégration pour les parties de votre application qui interagissent avec la base de données et les fichiers. À la fin de ce cours, vous serez en mesure de rédiger de bons tests et d'augmenter la qualité de votre logiciel.

Workshop: Unit Testing in PHP

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Do you spend too much time debugging your code? Does manually re-testing everything seem unreliable and cause pre-release stress? With unit tests, you can significantly reduce these unpleasant tasks while increasing your confidence in the correctness of your software.

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of unit tests and PHPUnit. You will then discover how to improve and simplify your tests using mocks. Finally, you will learn how to write integration tests for parts of your application that interact with the database and files. By the end of this course, you will be able to write good tests and increase the quality of your software.

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