26 au 28 février, 2020
Montréal, Canada

Never* use arrays

PHP loves arrays. They're the uber data structure. That's the problem.

In modern PHP there are almost always better options than bare arrays that are easier to use, safer, less bug-prone, and faster. Yes, all of those.

This talk will go through what PHP arrays actually are (hint: they are not arrays at all), why they're problematic, and what to do instead.

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Larry Garfield


Larry Garfield has been building websites since he was a sophomore in high school. Larry was an active Drupal contributor and consultant for over a decade, and led the Drupal 8 Web Services initiative that helped transform Drupal into a modern PHP platform.

Larry is Director of Developer Experience at Platform.sh, a leading continuous deployment cloud hosting company, and a member of the PHP-FIG Core Committee.

Larry holds a Master’s degree from DePaul University.

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