26 au 28 février, 2020
Montréal, Canada

F# Where Functional Programming Meets Pragmatic

Functional programming has been a hot topic these days, new languages are being developed, others are getting traction and functional programming practices are being applied to all different sorts of programming languages. In this talk, I will present F#, a stable, mature and well support functional programming language that you can use today to solve a variety of types of problems, and you won't need a major in Math to put it to use.

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Thiago Temple


I'm a Brazilian developer based in Ottawa, Canada. I have been building software for about twenty years, and my professional interests are mostly related to web development and different programming languages.
I sometimes speak my mind on my blog templecoding.com and I have produced a couple of online training courses for PluralSight.
Currently, I'm working at SurveyMonkey as a senior front-end engineer.

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