7 au 9 mars, 2018
Montréal, Canada

Trace Against the Clock: Tracing Frameworks and Methodology

What can tracing tell us about an application? We will use modern tracing tools to follow a request across several languages to see what their frameworks are doing and how well they are doing it. We will look at the call stack for Ruby on Rails, Express.js, and Wordpress. Additionally, we will use tracing to identify latency and improve performance. Finally, we’ll cover the OpenCensus initiative to standardize tracing across vendor and language.

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Brent Shaffer

Google, Inc.

Brent is a Developer Programs Engineer at Google who is involved primarily in the Open Source world of PHP and Ruby. His most notable Open Source contribution is the OAuth2 server for PHP (http://github.com/bshaffer/oauth2-server-php), and his favorite OpenSource project is the Symfony framework. Outside of work, he loves mountaineering and playing folk music in a band (morehazards.com).

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