7 au 9 mars, 2018
Montréal, Canada

The Myth of Culture

In today's increasingly connected world, the word "culture" appears in communities a lot. Unfortunately, it's not a single-value term. In many cases the founders of a culture are unaware of how their ideals have morphed, and acquired altered or additional definitions. In this talk I intend to describe some of the factors that contribute to this sort of 'fuzzing' of consensual understanding of the term.

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Ken Coar

Ken Coar, an open sourcerer and opinionist, has written code for 40+ years. He was one of the founders of The Apache Software Foundation and served on its board of directors for years, and was responsible for the ApacheCon conferences for several years as well. He also served on the board of the Open Source Initiative. Currently he prefers to write code in Ruby, but has contributed to rubygems, CPAN, PHP, and Apache httpd.

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