7 au 9 mars, 2018
Montréal, Canada

Machine Data Is EVERYWHERE: Use It for Testing!

As more applications are hosted on servers, they produce immense quantities of logging data. Quality engineers should verify that apps are producing log data that is existent, correct, consumable, and complete. Otherwise, apps in production are not easily monitored, have issues that are difficult to detect, and cannot be corrected quickly. Tom Chavez presents the four steps that quality engineers should include in every app test plan.

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Tom Chavez


Tom Chavez has more than twenty years of experience as a manager and product manager in the software development tools field. Today Tom works in product marketing at Splunk, the leader in operational intelligence. He has worked across the Silicon Valley at industry leaders including Apple, Sun, PalmSource, Intuit and SOASTA delivering tools for Mac, Java, PalmOS, Linux and Android development and testing. Tom holds a BS degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UCBerkeley.

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