7 au 9 mars, 2018
Montréal, Canada

Code Is Not Neutral: the Ethics of Programming

Are you responsible for the code you write? Ask the Volkswagen engineer who's in prison for creating software that allowed their cars to “cheat” on emissions tests. Or think of the ethical issues if you're programming IoT devices that spy on users and report back to the company. The technology we create affects people's lives. We need to be aware of how much power we've been given and start taking responsibility for what we build.

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Clarissa Peterson

Clarissa Peterson is a UX and digital strategy consultant based in Calgary, Alberta. She frequently speaks at tech and design conferences on topics such as responsive design, mobile strategy, and user experience. She also teaches in the web developer fast track program at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT). Clarissa is the author of Learning Responsive Web Design: A Beginner's Guide (O'Reilly Media).

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