7 au 9 mars, 2018
Montréal, Canada

Build & deploy in the Cloud with Packer, Ansible & Terraform

Build vendor-agnostic cloud images using Packer, and provision the necessary software dependencies using Ansible, including your application code. Terraform will deploy these images, and create loadbalanced computing instances on various cloud environments. All this happens in a single configuration format.

Avoid vendor lock-in, and apply a single strategy that works with multiple Cloud vendors.

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Thijs Feryn

Varnish Software

As the Technical Evangelist at Varnish Software, Thijs Feryn focuses on web performance, software scalability, and content delivery. He demonstrates this through presentations, videos, books and blog posts.

Thijs is a published author and wrote Getting Started with Varnish Cache and Varnish 6 by Example. As a public speaker, he has a track record of over 300 presentations in 21 different countries, where he is often praised for his energetic and engaging presentation style.

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