7 au 9 mars, 2018
Montréal, Canada

Angular Fast & Furious (v5+)

Angular is a robust platform and many products relay on its foundation.
Teams have now learned about best practices and tooling.
In this workshop, you will learn about the less known areas of Angular so
you can take your skills and your team to the next level!
During the training we will cover the following topics:
  • New features in Angular v5
  • New HttpClient including Interceptors and Unit Testing (since v4.3 and default in v5)
  • New Animations including animateChild, staggering, query, router transitions and AnimationBuilder.
  • Creating dynamic components.
  • Creating your own structural directives (ngIf and ngFor).
  • Creating your own custom decorators (read-only properties, debug Observables)
  • RxJS in depth covering High Order Observables: mergeMap, forkJoin and switchMap.
  • RxJS Marble Testing. Deep understanding of RxJS Core tests.
  • Creating RxJS operators from scratch: mapTo, interval, timer, map and filter.
  • Modern State Management using latest ngrx v4, devtools and ngrx effects.
  • Advanced Routing using *multiple outlets* (auxiliary routes), Resolve and custom preloading strategies (custom lazy loading)
  • *Server Side Rendering* (new platform-server), Best practices, TransferState (v5)
  • Unit Testing in-depth: using spies, difference between TestBed.get/inject, when to use async/fakeAsync, Fixtures, DebugElement, query/queryAll, By.all/By.css/By.directive and new OverrideTemplate.

Gerard Sans

Google Developer Expert; former AWS Amplify team

Gerard Helps Developers succeed in Artificial Intelligence and Web3; He is very excited about the future of the Web and JavaScript. Always happy Computer Science Engineer and humble Google Developer Expert. He loves to share his learnings by giving talks, training and writing about cool technologies. He loves running Web3 London, GraphQL London, GraphQL San Francisco, mentoring students and giving back to the community.

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