Vagmi Mudumbai

Vagmi Mudumbai

Vagmi is a technology leader and a polyglot developer with over 22 years of experience building software and teams. He is currently the co-founder and CTO of Nirai Tech Inc.

Sessions Montréal 2025

Setup infrastructure with CDKTF

Session en Anglais - Intermédiaire

CDKTF is one of Terraform's best-kept secrets. CDKTF by Hashicorp allows you to write infrastructure code using programming languages like Typescript and Go while still leveraging the power and the community of Terraform. We'll look at

* Primitives of CDKTF (Stacks and Constructs)
* Reuse Terraform modules in CDKTF
* Common gotchas on translating HCL to Typescript
* Understanding CDK synthesis workflows.
* Setup a multi-stack CDKTF project

Writing Hypermedia apps with HTMX, Alpine and Rust

Session en Anglais - Intermédiaire

We've all got Javascript fatigue. There are new libraries, frameworks, meta-frameworks and even runtimes. Against this backdrop of constant churn is the unlikely hero we all need - HTMX. At the outset, this library looks like a practical joke. But HTMX is a well-thought-out library. We'll understand the basics such as triggers, targets, swaps and indicators. We'll even build highly interactive applications using animations and Server-Sent Events.

Sessions Montréal 2023