Kilian is a front-end developer with over 20 years of experience that switched from building websites to building apps to build websites with. He is interested in modern web development, desktop app development and new technologies, and regularly speaks about topics like responsive websites, design systems and Electron. Kilian is a frequent open source contributor.
Session en Anglais - Intermédiaire
If you've been building websites for a while you "know" that some things require JS and that's just the way it is. Turns out, spec writers and browser makers both are working hard to find common JS patterns and implementing them in CSS and HTML. Things like accordions, auto-suggest, smooth scrolling, dialogs are all available without JS.
In this talk I walk through common patterns and explain how they can be implemented in CSS and HTML.
Session en Anglais - Intermédiaire
Have you ever felt perplexed by CSS, struggling to understand why the browser put the element where it did, and why it didn’t just follow the clear instructions you wrote? Do you think CSS is hard to work with?
By getting a better understanding of the concepts that underlie the language, you’ll learn to “see the matrix”. There’s normal flow, stacking context, offset parents… What are these things and how do they impact your design?