Florian is married with five kids and likes to play table tennis, table football, chess, and MTG. He is also a software engineer and builds a PHP profiler at Datadog.
He started writing software on an IBM PS/2 30 286 in GW-BASIC back in 1993, throughout the 90s he learned HTML, JavaScript, Perl, C, and a bit of Assembler. It was September 2000 when he was introduced to PHP and he thought nobody would ever need it, but boy he was wrong.
Session en Anglais - Débutant
You've heard about PHP NTS vs ZTS, PHP-FPM and FrankenPHP, Swoole and OpenSwoole, ReactPHP and AMPHP, Fibers and ext-parallel, ... There is a lot of options beyond the usual request-response-cycle for concurrency in PHP and we gonna explore the differences of these options.
Session en Anglais - Intermédiaire
The 1brc is "a fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java", but let's face it, we should be able to do this in PHP too, right? Let's see how fast we can actually aggregate 1 billion rows in PHP and learn about optimising the performance of PHP software along the way.