26 au 28 février, 2025
Montréal, Canada

Strong typing : adoption, evolution and organisation

There are tactical reasons to adopt strong typehint : easy validation, less code, fashionable. Besides, the first typehints blend in effortlessly with the current application : it is as if typehint was already there. Later, it appears that scalar types paved the way to more substantial code refactoring. Classes emerge from the initial scalar types, code congregate around important values, types gets more complex. Finally, systemic typehint arrive

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Damien Seguy


Damien Seguy is CTO at Exakat SA., a company specialized in PHP code quality solutions for the industry. He leads the development of the exakat static analysis engine, that automatically review code for version compatibility, security and clear code. Over the last 24 years Damien has contributed to PHP, as documentation author, elephpant breeder, conference UFO on all continents. He also enjoys gremlin and camemberts.

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