29 février au 2 mars 2012
Montréal, Canada

Modular application architecture

Modularity is one of the most desired non-functional aspects in software development: Every product wants to be extensible by plug-ins! But beside high quality code, you need extension points so you can easily plug in additional custom modules. This talk will show and compare theory and real life approaches from the PHP world in this direction.

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Tobias Schlitt

Tobias Schlitt, a web developer since 1996, has been at the forefront of PHP since 2000. As a co-founder of Qafoo, he honed in on PHP software quality & architecture for a decade. Later, he co-launched Frontastic, which transitioned to commercetools Frontend in 2022. Now a principal engineer overseeing 25+ engineers, Tobias champions software that meets business needs and advocates for inclusion & mental health. https://schlitt.info.

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