March 9-11, 2011
Montreal, Canada

The Solar Framework for PHP

First, I will give a very short background on Solar: when it started and why, what informs its architecture, and what other frameworks take hints from Solar. Next, I will present an overview of major concepts in Solar: everything is a library, the unified constructor, unified configuration, inheritance fallbacks (including inherited configuration and localization), the unified factory and adapter systems, the lazy-loading registry, and the dependency-injection system. Next, I outline the dynamic dispatch cycle, give an overview of how it works in Solar (bootstrap, front controller, page controller, action method, and view) and how it compares to other framework dispatch cycles. From there I will move on to the SQL system, including the MysqlReplicated adapter, and build on that to give an overview of the ORM system. The ORM system itself is another major section of the talk, covering models, collection, records, automated filters, automated form generation, and more. After discussing t

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Paul Jones

Paul is an internationally recognized PHP expert. Among his other accomplishments, Paul is the architect of the Solar framework <htt://> and the creator of the Savant template system <>. He has authored a series of authoritative benchmarks on dynamic framework performance <>, and was a founding contributor to the Zend Framework <> (the DB, DB_Table, and View components).

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