February 22-24, 2023
Montreal, Canada

Rapid prototyping with the help of Docker

Imagine you have a web application and you want anyone in the company, or a 3rd party contractor, to be able to quickly prototype new view layouts or different UI frameworks. You want them to be able to get up and running quickly. You don't want them cloning the source code, setting up databases, working with configuration files, and so on. In this talk, you'll hear how Docker is being used by Dovico to speed up development of Timesheet.

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Gerard Gallant

Dovico Software

Gerard Gallant is the CIO of Dovico Software. He also maintains their hosted infrastructure, has built out their DevOps solutions, and is the Lead Software Architect for two of Dovico's three products. When not at work, you'll still find him coding and researching as he has an insatiable drive to learn. As a huge fan of WebAssembly, he was fortunate to have the opportunity to write a book on the subject: "WebAssembly in Action" (https://www.manning.com/books/webassembly-in-action).

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